Self Talk



Since 1997 Dr.Patricia Patton said “ self talk is one way to improve our emotional state”. When we behald By science emotion is a part of our life and it accore chemical reaction,  when we got bad situation as like adversity or challenge we face will determine quality of handle our emotion. We have a power to control and improving our emotion to self talk way, but we cannot awearness and move from our missunderstanding so that this reading remind us for advance.  So, Now let’s talk slowly  and carefully so that we get what we think and what we do. I think self talk is not talking about as like crazy person but it direct us to meet our inner voice. That time we felt dificult to solve a problem in life, our inner voice whispering us to make a choice, this condition the inner voice take a part as intructor/guidane. So the importen thing are how we outlook the world around us becouse our behald is determine hwo we are.

Without we awearness our “self talk” goverm us for control our respon to situation, our interaction with people, and our reaction to solve any events wich accore in this planet.
